What We Do

McClaven Publishing House is a complete in-house publishing company. We work with new and existing authors to fine-tune and develop their writing styles, hone their messages, and discover their potential. We aim to help you build your writing career, sell your book, and find your voice.
We do this by offering various services to help you achieve your dream.

If McClaven Publishing House chooses you, you will be given a complete publishing package at no cost. However, there are limited available spaces per year. So, we also offer several self-publishing packages to help you be as successful as possible.

Our Services

We offer Author Development, Book Evaluations, Book Project Management, Developmental Editing, Line Editing, Copy-editing, Proofreading, Author’s BIO Help, Book Description Development, Book Formatting, Book Blurbs, Book Trailers, Cover Designs, Book Title Development, ISBN Acquirement, Barcode, LCCN, Promotion and Marketing, Publishing and Distribution, and Author Branding.

How we choose our authors

We follow a specific process when choosing our authors. Of course, we wish we could work with every aspiring author, but we can’t handle that many authors simultaneously. So, to create top-quality books that will sell well. We have established requirements that our author must meet to be considered by our publishing house. Below you will find a list of what we look for in our authors and what we require before evaluating their manuscript or idea. A quick note, we are currently only taking idea submissions and single-chapter book snippets in the following categories, Fiction, Self-improvement and Business.

Our requirements

  • An established fan base or a social media following of 10k or more.
  • A strong command of the English language with an emphasis on creative writing skills.
  • A clear and defined message with an understanding of your target audience.
  • Proven authority in the subject matter you have chosen.
  • Ability to adhere to guidelines and deadlines.
  • A strong passion for writing with high standards.

If you cannot fulfill the above requirements but are still interested in some of our services, please check our “Self Publish Services” page for more help. You will find many self-publishing services, tips, and resources to get you started on the right foot in self-publishing. Our editors, designers, and writing team will help you become the next best-selling author in no time.

Please complete the form below for more information on how to submit your ideas.